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  • Broken bridges of governance

    Broken bridges of governance

    AT the recent Conference of Governors, Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged governors to serve as “an effective bridge between the ...

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  • Railways on the wrong track

    Railways on the wrong track

    THERE seems to be something seriously wrong with Indian Railways. In a two-month period ending July 2024 there were three ...

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  • Floodplains belong to rivers

    Floodplains belong to rivers

    A river requires sufficient space to carry out its diverse functions. This space is delineated by the river itself, carving ...

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  • Not easy to find a Yunus

    Not easy to find a Yunus

    DEMOCRATIC institutions ensure that a State renews its legitimacy within civil society. When those who take control of the State subvert ...

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  • Skills survived many odds

    Skills survived many odds

    AS we  celebrate our 78th Independence Day, there’s no better time to honour the rich tapestry of handcrafted textiles that ...

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  • Boost that birthrate

    Boost that birthrate

    A previous article (‘Demographic Dangers’, Civil Society, June 2024) discussed some implications of the latest fertility figures for India and ...

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  • On a weak foundation

    On a weak foundation

    WHEN Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presents her sixth annual Financial Statement and Budget speech in Parliament, she will equal ...

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  • Small media with big impact

    Small media with big impact

    AMONG the many institutions of Indian democracy that earned disrepute in recent years the so-called ‘mainstream’ media stands out. Becoming ...

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  • The voter doesn’t have a choice

    The voter doesn’t have a choice

    INDIAN political parties have honed the art of winning elections by holding the voter to ransom. Such is the decline ...

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  • The power of the collective

    The power of the collective

    THE excitement and fervour surrounding the general election in India has been palpable, with heated discussions and loud campaigns dominating ...

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  • Demographic dangers

    Demographic dangers

    DEMOGRAPHY is in the news, thanks to the Lok Sabha elections and the latest projections of population growth. The former ...

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  • In Kafka’s universe

    In Kafka’s universe

    IN June every year the media publishes articles recollecting the imposition of Emergency by Indira Gandhi’s government in June 1975. ...

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  • 2024: Two narratives

    2024: Two narratives

    RESPONDING to the 2024 election manifesto of the Congress party, titled Nyay Patra, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said it bears ...

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  • Growing the rural start-up

    Growing the rural start-up

    STARTING an independent  for-profit social enterprise in rural India is not just a venture — it’s a courageous step towards ...

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  • Cruising on troubled waters

    Cruising on troubled waters

    THE world’s longest river cruise, Ganga Vilas, that was flagged off in 2023, covers five states in India and Bangladesh ...

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  • Innovation is the buzzword

    Innovation is the buzzword

    INVENTION is the holy grail of researchers: to create something that does not exist and may not even have been ...

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  • Have money, will spend

    Have money, will spend

    THE Ambani family’s over-the-top partying at Jamnagar has been widely commented upon at home and abroad. Only the socially unaware ...

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  • Armed with a fearless pen

    Armed with a fearless pen

    BE Fearless is a compelling, timeless but difficult call. When you are confronted by a hostile mob that is determined ...

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  • Exercising the right to die

    Exercising the right to die

    AS medical science progresses and economic development leads to cleaner environments that transmit smaller infection loads, people are living longer ...

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  • Bringing back wildlife

    Bringing back wildlife

    SANCTUARIES inside rivers? Yes. There are several stretches of rivers that have been declared protected areas under the Wildlife Protection ...

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  • A chip for your thoughts

    A chip for your thoughts

    OVER the centuries, humans have constantly sought to increase their muscle power. Bullocks for ploughing, water currents for milling, and ...

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  • Money power and politics

    Money power and politics

    A quarter-century ago, in a different era, a very different kind of politician from very different political parties sat together ...

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  • Pollution the internal enemy

    Pollution the internal enemy

    First, let’s get this straight. There are no safe levels of air pollution. Experts speak in one voice when they ...

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  • A force for the river

    A force for the river

    THE Ganga Task Force (GTF) was stationed along the banks of the Ganga with the objective of preventing pollution from ...

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  • The status economy

    The status economy

    WHERE do you live? This question, asked by a fellow guest at a Delhi party, can determine the flow of ...

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  • Business rules, everywhere

    Business rules, everywhere

    THE Covid pandemic which struck in February 2020 shattered the livelihoods of billions around the world and hundreds of thousands ...

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  • A river has the right to life

    A river has the right to life

    DESPITE our professed love for rivers and water bodies, our actions have inflicted deeper injuries on their wholesome existence. The ...

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  • Two compelling symbols

    Two compelling symbols

    WE live in an age of many firsts. We are the first humans to have a ‘Doomsday Clock’ as well ...

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  • The leisure economy

    The leisure economy

    ARE you free? This oft-asked question is prone to multiple interpretations. Human rights activists will understand it in the context ...

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  • Banga at the Bank

    Banga at the Bank

    AJAY Banga made headlines when he was named president of the World Bank by US President Joe Biden. Indian born ...

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  • Space for peace

    Space for peace

    ISRO’s successful soft landing of Chandrayaan is a joyous moment that can inspire us to dwell on a big question. ...

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  • Delhi’s water footprint

    Delhi’s water footprint

    MOST of the water consumed in Delhi is not of its own. Delhi’s water reflects a strange mix of power, ...

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  • India’s diamond

    India’s diamond

    THE headline may lead you to think that this is about the diamond jubilee last year of India’s independence, or ...

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  • People and summits

    People and summits

    A summit, by definition, is for summiteers. Sherpas are needed and so are all the camp staff. Ordinary people are ...

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  • Fight back with a kiss

    Fight back with a kiss

    IT is ten years since the annals of nonviolent civil disobedience were enlivened by the ‘kissing protest’ in Turkey. In ...

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  • Wrecked rivers hit back

    Wrecked rivers hit back

    OVER the past two months, there has been a series of natural disasters including flash floods, thunderstorms, cloudbursts, landslides, and ...

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  • Those left behind

    Those left behind

    DESPITE the ambiguity that the heading might lead to, this is not about the Communist or other Leftist parties as ...

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  • A debate of bytes

    A debate of bytes

    WE have all heard television journalists implore whoever they are seeking to interview, “Give me a byte”. In the age ...

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  • A laughing matter

    A laughing matter

    Non-violent civil disobedience is usually associated with images of a lone, unarmed and grim-faced person standing defiantly in the path ...

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  • Highways vs rivers

    Highways vs rivers

    When highways get built, they traverse many water bodies which feed rivers and streams and may in fact be more ...

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  • Diversity is strength

    Diversity is strength

    On occasion, most recently in the US, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has spoken with pride about the diversity of India. ...

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  • Down the drain

    Down the drain

    During the year I was at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore the then Lt Governor ...

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  • Raising the hand of peace

    Raising the hand of peace

    AN impassioned procession of protesters was marching towards Gandhi Maidan in Patna. The year was 1974 and that procession was ...

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  • Yamuna is a little bit cleaner

    Yamuna is a little bit cleaner

    THE Yamuna river is showing some signs of improvement in its water quality. The levels of biological oxygen demand (BOD) ...

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  • Diplomacy, society and business

    Diplomacy, society and business

    For over two years the United States political and administrative system found it difficult to appoint an ambassador to India. ...

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  • Not an exclusive heaven

    Not an exclusive heaven

    ONE morning, at a school assembly, the principal urged students and teachers to make their school a ‘heaven on earth’. ...

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  • Riverfronts kill rivers

    Riverfronts kill rivers

    RECENTLY, over 2,000 citizens participated in a unique protest along the banks of the Mula-Mutha river in Pune by hugging ...

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  • The pain of one

    The pain of one

    THERE is a new affliction across much of the world, especially in the West. Unlike Covid or other viruses, it ...

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  • Mobilizing civil society

    Mobilizing civil society

    CIVIL society groups have always been engaged in mainstream politics in one way or another, albeit at its margins. Rarely ...

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  • Map and save water bodies

    Map and save water bodies

    A few months ago, I travelled to Bahraich district in Uttar Pradesh to carry out a mapping and surveying project ...

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  • With AI, a zero-sum game?

    With AI, a zero-sum game?

    TECHNOLOGICAL singularity, an idea first advanced by mathematician John van Neumann, is when technological growth becomes self-sustaining, irreversible, and practically ...

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  • Censorship and self-censorship

    Censorship and self-censorship

    THE problems for democracies, observed an editorial in the inaugural issue of the national newsmagazine India Today (December 1975), “is ...

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  • Will India seize the moment?

    Will India seize the moment?

    The tagline of the rap song "Apna time aayega" (My time will come) from the recent Hindi film, The Gully ...

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  • How cities swallow rivers

    How cities swallow rivers

    While working on the older Corona satellite pictures of Lucknow, I was impressed by the number of rivers that the city ...

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  • Kanyashree is the answer

    Kanyashree is the answer

    The Assam government’s recent drive against child marriage, which has led to several thousand arrests, has created a turmoil in a ...

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  • For a ban on polygamy

    For a ban on polygamy

    Inequality between man and woman is one of the key features of an unfair male- dominated world order. Although India ...

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  • Foreign funds, Indian minds

    Foreign funds, Indian minds

    A few years ago I had written in these very pages of Civil Society a column titled “Funding the Indian ...

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  • Floods now on climate agenda

    Floods now on climate agenda

    MORE and more towns and cities across the world are facing the threat of extreme flooding. Climate change is increasingly ...

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  • Food fashions and the future

    Food fashions and the future

    A much-used slogan is roti, kapda, makaan. Of these, food is a survival necessity, and has long been on top ...

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  • End the plan holiday

    End the plan holiday

    WE have had ‘plan holidays’, that is, a break from five-year plans, many times before. In the late 1960s, the ...

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  • Bring back wild and scenic rivers

    Bring back wild and scenic rivers

    IN my city I often search for a spot by the side of the Gomti river which looks somewhat wild ...

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  • What stole my job?

    What stole my job?

    LAY-OFFS, unemployment, moonlighting and gig work, shortage of talent; amidst issues and contradictions, what is happening to jobs? People around ...

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  • Quantifying reality

    Quantifying reality

    THE Global Hunger Index (GHI), published by two European non-government organizations, has been universally slammed in India both by government ...

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  • A change of heart is welcome

    A change of heart is welcome

    THE significance of recent initiatives for Hindu-Muslim dialogue, reported in the media, cannot be under-valued in our highly polarized times. ...

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  • Dense city, dense flooding

    Dense city, dense flooding

    THE rain in September and October with unexpected, powerful cloudbursts, and the phasing out of the monsoon was unusual on ...

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  • Name or number?

    Name or number?

    WHO am I? is a deep philosophical question, one which can take a lifetime of pondering. Humans are prone to ...

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  • Among the people

    Among the people

    ON the eve of Rahul Gandhi’s padayatra political commentator Neerja Chaudhuri made a pertinent observation in a televised discussion. Almost ...

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  • Decentralize or drown

    Decentralize or drown

    THE recent flooding in Bengaluru, the IT capital of India and amongst the most important global hubs for the tech ...

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  • Uncertainty complex

    Uncertainty complex

    A new ‘uncertainty complex’ is unsettling lives and has already reversed the gains of five years of human development at ...

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  • On a digital high

    On a digital high

    Economies around the world are going through a major transition. In some, this has been slow and incremental, evolving over ...

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  • India at 75

    India at 75

    In quick succession, between 1896 and 1906, Swami Vivekananda, Jamsetji Tata, Rabindranath Tagore and the engineer, Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, who founded the ...

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  • War and the economy

    War and the economy

    WAR has direct human and economic consequences. Often, such consequences impact not just the countries at war but many others, ...

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  • Mobility matters

    Mobility matters

    CRUCIAL meeting to get to, and stuck in a traffic jam? That is when you realize how much mobility matters. ...

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  • River as a person with rights

    River as a person with rights

      THE idea of endowing legal rights on non-humans and entities with constitutional protections is not new. Local grassroots movements ...

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  • Rivers need groundwater

    Rivers need groundwater

    THE Ganga basin, the world’s most densely irrigated area, is a global hotspot of groundwater depletion. The five states through ...

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  • Creating urban harmony

    Creating urban harmony

    THEFTS. Street crime. Dacoities. Drugs. Gang wars. No, this is not the ad blurb for a new Bollywood potboiler; rather, ...

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  • Gyanvapi and Nupur Sharma

    Gyanvapi and Nupur Sharma

    POLITICIANS thrive on staying in the news. No publicity is bad publicity for them, as the old saying goes. For ...

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  • The federal political cycle

    The federal political cycle

    ECONOMISTS are familiar with the concept of a business cycle and some even with the idea of a political business ...

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  • Hindi and cow belt politics

    Hindi and cow belt politics

    AMERICAN journalist Robert Lane Greene’s much appreciated book, You Are What You Speak: Grammar Grouches, Language Laws, and the Politics ...

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  • Demography-driven migration

    Demography-driven migration

    DEMOGRAPHY has, for some years now, been recognized as a driver of various key parameters of a nation. A country ...

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  • The other divide

    The other divide

    AMITAVA Ghosh’s recently published book, The Nutmeg’s Curse, exploring the historical roots of global warming and ecological destruction, tracing them ...

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  • Counting daisies?

    Counting daisies?

    IT takes a child to tell an emperor that he is not wearing any clothes. My seven-year-old grandson made me ...

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  • The future wars

    The future wars

    THE war in Ukraine has busted many a myth. Most have felt, for some years now, that the days of ...

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  • Atmanirbharata redux

    Atmanirbharata redux

    WHEN Prime Minister Narendra Modi first spoke about the concept of atmanirbharata, many mainstream economists criticized him for reverting to ...

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  • Putting the powerless first

    Putting the powerless first

    THE COVID-19 pandemic has put the global economy through a severe stress test. As accelerated stress tests do in medicine ...

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  • Reason to wonder and worry

    Reason to wonder and worry

    IN the years ahead, technology will affect and change our lives even more than it has in the past. Last ...

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  • IOU: A 2022 message for 2024

    IOU: A 2022 message for 2024

    INDIA is a psephologist’s and electoral data miner’s delight. Not only does the country generate an enormous amount of electoral ...

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  • 2030 can be India’s techade

    2030 can be India’s techade

    ELECTIONS in many states this year and for the Lok Sabha in 2024; the 75th anniversary of Independence and of ...

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  • The decline of debate

    The decline of debate

    ON August 5, 2019, I met Arun Jaitley, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader, for the last time at his ...

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  • Children of a lesser God

    Children of a lesser God

    Mahdi Basheer Hasan al Badri is barely 30 years old and the product of three wars as well as a ...

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  • The outward bound

    The outward bound

    When news of business billionaire MukeshAmbani acquiring a massive 300-acre estate in England was flashed in the media, it was ...

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  • What did Afghan NGOs achieve?

    What did Afghan NGOs achieve?

    I worked in Afghanistan from 2004 till 2016 on short assignments with the UN system and national and international CSOs ...

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  • Bombay House and Delhi

    Bombay House and Delhi

    WHEN the Narendra Modi government announced its decision to hand over Air India back to the House of Tatas, a ...

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  • Bad bill, good policy in UP

    Bad bill, good policy in UP

    THE population issue has been a predominant political and electoral subject of speculation for decades. With one of the oldest ...

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  • Koizumi’s question

    Koizumi’s question

    ON his first visit to India in 2005, Japan’s Prime Minister, Junichiro Koizumi, asked his host, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, ...

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  • Towards holistic care

    Towards holistic care

    In the world of music today it would be considered weird, perhaps sacrilegious, for any group of professional musicians or ...

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  • Waking up in the mountains

    Waking up in the mountains

    THE Himalayas are the roof of the world and for centuries remained highly inaccessible. Today, with modern technology and climate ...

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  • Narasimha Rao’s legacy

    Narasimha Rao’s legacy

    THE birth centenary of former Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao will be observed on June 28, 2021. The government of ...

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  • Jobs gone, time to spend

    Jobs gone, time to spend

    THE COVID-19 pandemic is testing our institutions and our society like no other crisis in recent memory. Thus far, the ...

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  • But where are the jobs?

    But where are the jobs?

    EARLIER this month, the governor of Haryana gave his assent to a bill providing 75 percent reservation in the private ...

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